This group of kurgans is located 1.70km south (bearing 188°) of Tsaghkahovit Fortress, one ridgeline west of Ts Canal 2, behind an abandoned soviet era building (map quad B4k).
The kurgans of this cluster are located on slightly inclined terrain, near the base of a west-facing slope.
Just three kurgans make up this cluster. Initial identification was uncertain given the adjacent construction and irregular shape of one burial. However, further inspection does support listing the features as kurgans.
No surface materials.
Feature 1: is a 10m diameter kurgan constructed of a low mound of basalt and tuff cobbles piled 0.8m above the contemporary ground surface.
Feature 2: is more elliptical in shape, 9.5m down slope (roughly southwest-northeast) and 7.7m across. This feature is also constructed of tuff and basalt cobbles. Despite the disturbance which presumably is responsible for the kurgan's irregular shape, there are no surface indications of a stone ring underneath the pile of stones.
No Entities