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General Info
Site ID
Site Name
Sahakaberd BC 06
Site Type
Burial Cluster
Late Bronze, Iron 1
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing

Sk BC 06 is located on both sides of two concrete irrigation ditches that ascend the slope of Mt. Aragats, 1.32km southeast (bearing 108°) of Sahakaberd Fortress (map quad B4e).


The setting of Sk BC 06 is quite unique within the constellation of burial clusters on the north slope of Mt. Aragats. The burials spread across a segment of an alluvial fan, 225m wide at its maximum extent, circumscribed on both the east and west sides by active watercourses. The area marks the terminus of Mt. Aragats, where its waters spread out from informal drainage courses onto the flat Tsaghkahovit Plain.

General Description

An estimated 27 cromlechs survive in this cluster, despite the surrounding terrain and proximity to the military base. 17 standard, 10 paved, and 1 mounded cromlech are clearly visible, between 2 and 4m in diameter. Interestingly, the burials in this cluster appear to be laid out in irregular linear rows, running roughly west-east. However, it is unclear whether this is part of formal planned mortuary cluster or the result of subsequent disturbance. All are built of medium-sized basalt blocks. The total area of the cluster is 80m north-south and 60m east-west.

Features & Materials

No surface materials.

Feature 1: is a paved cromlech, 2m in diameter. It is constructed of medium basalt blocks set in a single circumferential ring. Within this ring, basalt blocks interdigitate to form a tight paving.

Feature 2: is a mounded cromlech--the only such burial found within this cluster. It is located on the eastern edge of the cluster. 4m in diameter, the burial is circumscribed by a single ring of medium-sized, unworked basalt blocks surrounding a mound of basalt and tuff cobbles.

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