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General Info
Site ID
Site Name
Sahakaberd BC 16
Site Type
Burial Cluster
Late Bronze, Iron 1
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing

0.87km southeast (bearing 159°) of Gekhadzor village, Sk BC 16 rests on the western slope of the same long ridgeline that hosts Sk BC 13 to the north and Sk BC 17 to the south (map quad B3f).


The burials in this cluster were found on an east facing slope overlooking a small valley with signs of recent cultivation and a meandering mountain stream that marks the western limit of the Sahakaberd survey quadrant.

General Description

The burials in this cluster extend across an area 340m east-west by 60m north-south. The burials include paved, mounded, bedrock, and standard style cromlechs, but because of their position on the slope of the hill, many likely burials are only minimally visible. The burials nearest to the summit appear to be primarily bedrock and standard burials, ranging from 2 to 4m in diameter and built primarily out of small basalt blocks. Moving down slope, more paved style cromlechs were noted along with several mounded style cromlechs surmounted by cyclopean capstones (such as that described for Sk BC 13, feature 2). However, these lower elevation burials are also significantly impacted by local plowing activity.

Features & Materials

Two obsidian flakes were found on the southwestern limits of the cluster. One was a large primary flake while the other was a smaller secondary flake with evidence of retouch on one edge.

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