Located just 0.42km northeast (bearing 56°) of Hn BC 03, this cluster was found 0.57km west of the western edge of Gekhadzor village (map quad B3m).
These burials are located amidst a series of small rock outcrops separated from one another by agricultural fields. The outcrops represent the terminus of Mt. Aragats's northern slope as it flows into the Tsaghkahovit plain.
Only a small number of cromlechs remain in the area. The burials are widely spaced (no doubt in part a result of the toll cultivation in the area has taken) and include paved, standard, and mounded cromlechs. All are constructed of small to medium basalt blocks except for the mounded cromlechs which employ both tuff and basalt cobbles. The burials are generally quite small, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0m in diameter.
No surface materials.
No Entities