Hn BC 11 is located on the western slope of the same dramatic promontory that hosts Hnaberd fortress and lower town (map quad B2l).
The burials are constructed on a steep slope and erosion seems to have impacted the constructions considerably as many appear to be incomplete.
Perhaps due to poor preservation, this burial cluster appears to be substantially smaller than its neighbor, Hn BC 10. It extends across an area only 60m east-west and 25m north-south. 1 paved, 3 mounded and 12 standard cromlechs were recorded in the cluster. All were constructed of medium unworked basalt blocks and, in the case of mounded cromlechs, tuff and basalt cobbles. They range widely in size from 2.5 to 7m in diameter.
No surface materials.
Feature 1: is a mounded cromlech, 6m in diameter. The mound is more like a promontory in that erosion has submerged the up-slope portion of the burial and deflated part of the down-slope portion. The maximum rise from the mound to the lower slope is 0.20m.
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