This scatter was discovered in association with a small rock shelter in an outcrop known locally as Megara Tepe which it shares with Ts BC 74, 75, and 76. (map quad B4o).
The entrance to the rock shelter lies on the southern upper flank of the outcrop. Project ArAGATS noted the cave in 1998 on its survey but no surface materials were found. The French-Armenian Kasakh river valley team returned to the site in 2006, opening a small sondage in the area which detected five stratified soil levels.
Deposits in the sondage yielded primarily obsidian flakes and debitage although a few artifacts of dacite were also found as were a few animal bones. A total of 219 lithic artifacts were recorded (Gasparyan 2006).
The relatively small corpus of retouched lithics (13) have led the excavators to tentatively suggest parallels with industries of the preceramic Neolithic and the Shulaveri-Shomu culture of the late 6th/early 5th millennium B.C. although a clearer chronological assessment must await further investigation (Gasparyan 2006).
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