Site is 1.1km SE of Korbulag village and 0.62km E of Shenkani bog near the eastern boundary of the Mt. Aragats survey area (map quad C5d).
This cluster of burials is located atop a gently rising hill on a terminal northeast spur of Mt. Aragats.
This burial cluster covers the entire western slope of the hill. It consists of over 20 cobble and stepped cromlechs as well as several modern cist burials. Several of the burials appear to be disturbed by field-clearing activity.
Feature 1: A medium-sized cobble cromlech 2.7m in diameter. On the southern edge of the construction, several stones have been disturbed. The construction is only slightly mounded.
Feature 2: This more modern burial has a NW-SE orientation. It is oblong in shape and mounded with tuff and basalt cobbles.
No surface materials.
No Entities