Locus 07 was created to address the soil directly underneath Locus 01 and within what is assumed to be the interior of the curvilinear wall. While the soil is very minimal among a carpet of rocks, should a future expansion allow for the removal of many of the stones this locus may reveal more materials.
Work on this Locus continued once the rest of the carpet of rocks in the interior of the room in Operation 02 was revealed. Once we were better able to see the carpet of rocks we were able to select which rocks were collapse or wash and could be removed. This turned out to be nearly every stone, large and small, in this Locus. The Locus ended when we encountered a soil change in the corresponding Locus 11 in the expanded portion of the trench. When Locus 07 and Locus 11 were level with each other we took bottom elevations and continued to descend in each Locus, keeping them separate but level. Previous Locus 07 materials and recent Locus 07 materials will be combined.
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