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Operation Information
Mirak Operation 02
Salpi Bocchieriyan

Mirak Operation 02 is located on the Northwestern corner of what appears to be a clear room in the middle of the fortress at the top, most Northeastern part of the circular wall that constitutes the fortress. The room appears clearly defined with several linear features that appear to be walls, a depression within them and darker vegetation within the depression. The trench is situated more according to the wall than by cardinal directions. However, it sits on a mostly NE/SW axis. The trench is 3m X 3m with roughly 2m of the NE and SE side within what appear to be the walls and about half a meter outside the wall. The wall itself appears to be about a meter thick but perhaps some of this is collapse. The datum is located about 20 cm from the N corner and is on a large stone that appears to be part of the continuation of this wall outside the trench. The back dirt pile is located about 10m SW and down hill from the trench where there is no visible architecture and it won't hinder potential expansions.

This operation was expanded on 7/21/12 one meter to the north of the original operation. Mirak Operation 02 is now a 3m X 4m trench. This expansion was undertaken with the hope that it will help us to better understand the NW wall as well as to clear out some of the collapse in the room and reveal the room's interior.

UTM Grid
| MK | WGS 84 | NATO
Active Places
CodePlace TypeOperationSeasonSupervisorActions
Ar/Mi.OP02.01Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.02BuiltMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.03Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.04Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.05Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.06Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.07Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.08Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.09Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.10Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.11Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.12Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.13Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
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Ar/Mi.OP02.15Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.16Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView
Ar/Mi.OP02.17Subsurface DepositMirak Operation 022017Salpi BocchieriyanView