Locus 28 is situated under the northern half of locus 11, situated directly between locus 31 (the wall join between loci 9 and 24). The locus is characterized by a moderately compact and clay-like medium brown soil. This sediment is fine grained -- albeit it has a faux granular appearance -- and very moist. Upon drying it turns an ashy brownish grey color. It is well sorted with very few stone inclusions. This context contained a large scatter of ceramic sherds, some of which appeared to constitute large fragments of vessels. The stones present in this locus were situated within the scatter. Given the horizontal position of these sherds it seems likely that these were resting in situ. With respect to metrics, it is worth noting that given this curvature of the walls that this context is situated between the lengths of the eastern and western sides are different. While the N/S length of the eastern side is 1.9m, the N/s length of the western side is 1.37m.