Locus below the clay floor (22) in WSAC3, only opened on the last day and therefore not completed. Aim of opening locus was to explore very hardpacked clays around Feature 21 and the NE baulk and the linear stone feature as well as the very dark, silty clay towards the paved floor to the SW (possibly a large pit?). Clays were gray, orange and white with a lot of charcoal and a lot of materials, including an area of several sherds from apparently the same reddish vessel. In some areas these clays gave way to the scoria-type bedrock, suggesting an uneven bedrock stratum upon which clays and then the paved floor were laid. Other areas, such as right near NE baulk about a meter from the SE edge, were looser and the same clay-y matrix kept going, without change. See notebook for elevations, given is northwest.